Dallas, Texas
The Dallas Police Memorial is a striking tribute to officers of the Dallas Police Department slain in the line of duty since the establishment of the force in the late 19th century. This highly visible landmark, commissioned by the Dallas Police Foundation, and maintained with an endowment from the Dallas Foundation, occupies a prominent site on parkland adjacent to the City Hall in downtown Dallas. |
The primary feature of the memorial is a level, 93' long by 10' wide by 20"deep, elevated table cantilevered 39 feet at one end and 21 feet at the other. It is supported along a portion of one edge by a single line of progressively skewed stainless steel columns mounted on a canted base structure which appears to rest on the undulating contours of the site. The upper portion of the structure was designed to allow sunlight to stream through the horizontal steel plates on the underside, |
which bear the badge numbers of the fallen officers, cut into the plate and arranged so that the sun will shine through and project them onto the asphalt paving below. Portions of this asphalt paving have been cut from prominent streets in Dallas to represent police beats in the city. J.D. Tippit's badge, number 848, is featured at a mid-point in the structure. The date of his death and age are engraved in the brushed-steel plate immediately below the badge number. |
Dallas Police Memorial Location - Dallas, TX The Dallas Police Memorial honoring J.D. Tippit and other police officers who have died in the line of duty is located in Dallas at the intersection of Young and South Akard Streets, adjacent to City Hall. You'll find the memorial on the southwest corner. |
Next: Texas Peace Officers Memorial, Austin, TX